Our Hair is 100% Human Virgin Hair which comes in natural colors and is collected from single donors and has not been chemically altered or processed. With proper care this hair will last you up to 1-2 Years or More.
You will need at least 3 bundles to complete your entire head for lengths over 18” and for lengths over 24 inches we recommend using 4 bundles or more, and lengths over 28", we recommend 5 bundles or more. This hair will last up to 2 years with proper care and maintenance. Deep and Curly hair is only good for 6 months to a year depending on how well you take care of it.
Number of Bundles needed for a full head:
14”-20”- 3 bundles | 20”-26”- 4 bundles | 28” and Up- 5 bundles
Hair come in Natural Shades Of Brown. Upon request only will hair be altered to a darker or lighter shades, But Can Be Dyed Any Color You Prefer
Water Wave
-Detangle the hair from bottom up using paddle brush or wide tooth comb. Small tooth combs can be used but not suggested due to possibility of causing unnecessary shedding.
- Wash hair with sulfate free shampoo and conditioner.
- Night time hair care: Detangle hair and sleep with satin bonnet or scarf to help have ensure longevity.